Are You a Psychic Reading Frequent Flyer?
I ask this out of love:
Are You a Psychic Reading Frequent Flyer?
I’m going to address a topic that may feel a bit sticky for some, but nonetheless, needs to be talked about. So here goes. When it comes to psychic readings are you a regular, visiting many different individuals, with a constant unsettled desire for messages? Before I get too far into this, let me first say that my repeat, long term clients are everything to me. If you’re invested in your spiritual growth, healing journey and path of self-discovery and visit me on the regular – I am so proud you are putting the work in and seeking guidance when needed. I’m not talking about investing in your spiritual growth. I’m not talking about building a relationship with a spiritual mentor, like me.
I’m talking about those who visit many different psychics, in search of answers that they want to hear. They arrive with the expectation of hearing exactly what they want to hear and when that isn’t communicated to them, well they’re onto the next, as if that will be any different.
I always relay messages that are for your greatest and highest good. But sometimes Spirit communicates things that aren’t all butterflies and rainbows. Sometimes you need to hear things you really don’t want to, but in the name of your own growth. I have come across too many individuals that aren’t happy when a psychic delivers messages that they don’t want to hear. When the message doesn’t suit them, they move onto the next. Reading after reading, they are often searching for a psychic to tell them exactly what they want to hear, to give them permission to act in a certain way, to feed into unhealthy viewpoints.
This is not growth. This is actually stalling growth, when individuals are unable to hear the truth around a situation, a truth that will ultimately benefit them.
This being said, I never share anything dark and devastating – definitely not. I work with the White Light only, but I won’t sugar coat truths for you. That would not benefit you if I did.
So these folks, the ones who seek out psychic reading after psychic reading, ironically end up hearing the same thing each time. All psychics are different and have a unique set of gifts and abilities, but we all come around to the same message eventually – to the frustration of the frequent flyer.
The overall message here. Psychic readings are not meant to give you an easy route to what you believe is good for you. They are not some magic solution to all your problems. What they will do is shine a light on areas that need your attention. They will guide you down paths that are meant for you, that are healthy for you, but they are not the end-all be-all with convenient answers so you can skip right over the inner work.
I operate from a place of mentorship. I am a guide for you to reach new heights, to tap into your potential - and not a place to come so you can justify your behaviour. If you want to be supported on your journey, if you want to connect with Spirit and learn more about yourself and your purpose, I welcome you with open arms. But if you’re in it for quick fixes, drawn in by the allure of many different psychics and shiny answers, I’m beaming a light on that for you today, so you can take a moment and pause and consider what it is you aren’t ready to face.
Because that, that right there is where the healing and growth begins.
Tough love today, but so important to discuss. For, the more we talk about these things, the more we can act from a place of love and growth, work through edges, and get the most out of experiences ahead.
If you’re ready to invest in your own growth, even in the moments when it doesn’t feel super cozy, book a reading with me. I’d love to guide you to your most empowered self.
Love and light always and always.