Annmarie Hodges Annmarie Hodges

Welcoming in New Beginnings

A lot of times, we long for a new beginning. We don’t like the current place we’re in, be it mentally, physically, or emotionally. We want to feel better, we want to live somewhere else, we desire a life that just feels more aligned. I get it. It’s all part of your spiritual growth. The more you evolve and grow, the more you outgrow people and places that once felt right. It’s all normal and it’s actually a good sign. But it can be frustrating feeling stuck in that in between stage, of wanting a new beginning but not quite arriving at it yet.

The truth is, there really are so many lessons that can be found in this in between space. There is so much you can learn about yourself and what you truly desire for your life. But I do acknowledge that growth is not always easy – in most cases it’s actually quite uncomfortable – which is why I’m going to help guide you in the process of calling in your new beginning. So it feels attainable and not so out of reach.

The first thing you can do when it comes to creating a new opportunity for yourself or attracting in a new way of living or being, is becoming clear on what isn’t working for you. What doesn’t feel great anymore? What no longer lights you up? What makes you feel downright awful? It can be hard to look at, but understanding what no longer fits you and what exactly needs to be released, can help you move on from what might be keeping you stagnant or stuck.

The next step is spending time becoming crystal clear on what it is you DO want to call in. If you want to feel better, how can you be more specific with that? Do you want to laugh more in your day? Do you want to call in new, supportive friendships? If you desire a new job or creative work, what does that look like? Spend some time journaling and meditating on this so that the Universe can begin co-creating the exact things on your heart.

After this inner work, it’s time to look at your outer world. As I’ve talked about before, physical items hold onto emotions and energy. Meaning, if you want a fresh new wave of energy around you, begin cleaning out areas of your home that no longer serve you. Start with your closets, cupboards or spaces that tend to collect clutter. By clearing this old energy out, you will not only feel lighter, but you’ll be creating space for your new opportunity to flow right in.

And lastly – hold the vision. Practice trust and gratitude for all that you have in this moment, knowing a new beginning is on its way. The more we can surrender and let go of the ‘how’, the more abundance, peace and joy will arrive in your life. The more you can take tiny little aligned action steps towards what you want to call in, the sooner it will arrive.

We are in the season of Spring and new beginnings, growth and possibility are all around us. The more you spend time preparing yourself for what is next, the more fulfilling it will be when it does arrive. Trust me, it will all be worth the wait.

Believe in good things, my friends! They are happening all around us. Sometimes we must pause and take notice to realize how loving and breathtaking this life really is.

But of course, if you do need extra guidance in unpacking the old energy, moving out of stagnant places and uncovering what your new beginning will be, I’m always here to support you with a reading, guiding you in your spiritual growth.

Love, Light & Angelic Blessings,


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