Annmarie Hodges Annmarie Hodges

What It's Like Mirroring the Energy of Others

I am the mirror for your energy. I’ve known this for most of my life. It’s one of the roles I came here in this lifetime to hold. I wanted to talk about this concept with you today, because with this role, I face a lot of misconceptions and preconceived notions. Being the mirror is not an easy position to be in. While I am here to reflect your energy back to you, I am often the punching bag or the dumping spot for a lot of painful and heavy things.

I am not complaining. I am not sharing this to invoke sympathy. I am sharing this to create awareness. Awareness in what it means to be the mirror as well as awareness in how you are operating and what you are assuming about others.

So let’s first talk about what it means to be a mirror for someone else. These are the kinds of people who are there to illuminate something in yourself. They reflect back the qualities, habits, or actions you may not always want to look at. These people can often trigger you as they are shining brightly back to you what you are not ready or willing to see. In a reading or session with me, I will never share anything Spirit has informed me you aren’t ready to receive. But I will highlight areas that need more attention, all for your greatest and highest good. Whether you are the mirror for others or you’re finding your own struggles are being reflected back you, it’s important to notice and cultivate awareness around this. The more you pay attention, the more growth will occur.

I do my own inner work, I keep my vibration high and yet, a lot comes my way that can be heavy, draining, and entirely negative. It’s been like this for most of my life. People assume they know who I am and have created preconceived notions around who they think I am. People judge me based off of what they’ve heard from others. A lot of rumours, gossip and low-vibrational energy always finds its way to me as people need a place for their baggage. And I am tasked with maintaining my own wellbeing in the midst of this.

It’s not an easy role (did I mention that already? Lol), but I am here to stop this negative chain, the pattern that can flow between people as they spread gossip, believe unfounded truths and live their lives following the dark that is masquerading as the light (see a whole blog article on this topic here!)

I am not here to solve all your problems. I am not even here to make it all feel better. I would love to be able to do that for you. But the only one who can truly improve your life is you. I am here to hold space for you, to reflect back to you the things you really need to look at and it’s not always a fun, jubilant experience. But it’s necessary for your soul’s growth, to raise your vibration here in this lifetime.

So be mindful of how you are showing up in this world, what rumours you believe and what judgements you make before finding the truth on your own. Be sure you are following the white light and never the darkness presenting itself as the light.

Mirrors may trigger you, but it’s for your own greatest good, I promise. Just don’t take your anger out on them.

If you need guidance as your work through all that is being illuminated for you, I am here to shed more light, to provide next steps forward with loving compassion and utmost understanding. If this aligns with you, book a reading with me or signup for one of my courses.

Sending love and light and angelic blessings,


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