When you have a reading with Annmarie Hodges, a spiritual psychic medium, you can expect a unique and transformative experience. Even before you arrive, Annmarie is already attuned to your energy, listening for the messages that the Universe wishes to convey to her, in order to provide you with the guidance you seek.

During the reading, Annmarie will share with you the insights and messages she has received from the Universe. She takes notes before hand, ensuring that you have a record of everything that has come forth during the session. It is important to note that while you may come with specific expectations, the Universe may have other plans for the reading. It might take you on a different path, addressing areas you never realized needed attention

One of the remarkable aspects of a reading with Annmarie is the unpredictability of the experience. Each reading unfolds in its own unique way, with the Universe guiding the session towards healing and self-discovery. The beauty lies in witnessing the unexpected ways in which this healing and transformation takes place.

Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance or confirmation that you are on the right path, Annmarie's readings provide what you need in the present moment. She acts as your spiritual guide, facilitating a connection between you and the Universe, and acting as a healing channel. The reading offers an opportunity for affirmation, truth, and answers in the situations you are currently facing in your life.

It is an honor for Annmarie to provide you with this spiritual experience. Her expertise and sensitivity allow her to convey messages from beyond, bridging the gap between this world and the spirit realm. With Annmarie as your guide, you can expect a deeply insightful and meaningful session that can provide clarity, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose.

In conclusion, a reading with Annmarie Hodges, a spiritual psychic medium, offers a magical and transformative experience. Through her unique ability to tap into the messages of the Universe, Annmarie provides guidance, healing, and connection to the spiritual realm. Whether you come with specific intentions or an open mind, the reading will unfold in unexpected but necessary ways, offering you exactly what you need in that moment. As your spiritual guide, Annmarie is dedicated to helping you find the truth, gain clarity, and experience personal growth.

Reading Types:

In Person one hour one on one collective reading with Annmarie at her office.

Online one hour one on one collective reading with Annmarie over Skype or Video Messenger.

Couples one hour two person collective reading with Annmarie at her office.